Ice Cream…the Old Fashioned Way

“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos.”  ~Don Kardong

Oh, we had big plans. We were going to find the ice cream truck. Not the little old truck full of pre-packaged sugar that trolls the neighbourhood playing tediously annoying tunes. The smalls wanted the good stuff. And so did I. We wanted Peppermint Andy’s Ice Cream Wagon!

So off we went. With twitter, a tank of gas, and pockets full of change, we set out on our ice cream-finding adventure. We drove to some of her regular haunts, but to no avail. And then the tweet came in. Chamber of Commerce by the Black Knight Inn. Roger that, Peppermint Andy’s…the smalls on their way!

And there she was…beautiful in her mint green paint. The ice cream scooping wagon.

After a bit of deliberation and reading of menu boards, the smalls made their decisions and they paid their money. And oh, the goodness that dripped between their fingers and on their chins, reminding me that I should have brought wipes. Sigh. But what’s a few sticky drips when you’re having fun, right?

Here is our picture story of pure, uninhibited enjoyment of a favourite childhood treat. Ice cream.

Thank you, Peppermint Andy’s…for doing it right. We will be back soon!

~Arlee, Small Potatoes

14 thoughts on “Ice Cream…the Old Fashioned Way

  1. Just beautiful, Arlee! Your look just as yummy as the ice cream does. Your photographs always thrill me. 🙂

  2. Pingback: ‘Adults Only’ Ice Cream Truck Comes To Detroit, Ann Arbor « The Jeenyus Corner

  3. Pingback: Family Room August 6 2012 — Bonbon Break

  4. Pingback: Family Room August 27 2012 | Bonbon Break

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