Camping With the Smalls…Swamp Soup!

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.”    ~Harriet Van Horne

There comes a time in every camping trip where children proclaim there is “nothing to do!” It’s usually right around the time you are trying to get dinner together. This week’s edition of Camping With the Smalls is about just such a time.

Three of my kids were bored. When my kids say they’re bored, they get put to work. Seriously. I give them a job or a chore to do. It really cuts down on the number of times you hear the phrase, “I’m bored!” This time however, I was feeling merciful. It was vacation after all! So I gave them a really fun job. They got to cook dinner too! I gave them each a bucket of water and a scoop and instructions to use ingredients to make a soup that came only from nature…things they found around the campsite.

This is how it went…             When it was finished they called it “swamp soup.” It kept them busy for a good 1/2 hour and as they cooked and stirred and kept busy in their camp kitchen, the family dog waited patiently for a taste…

Thanks for stopping by!

~Arlee, Small Potatoes

7 thoughts on “Camping With the Smalls…Swamp Soup!

  1. Lol… Sooo cute and messy i love it.. Whenever my children say their bored i give them a chore too… Your the only other person i know that does this lol… Made me laugh out loud!!! Xx

  2. Pingback: HashBrowns…August 13-17 2012 | Small Potatoes

  3. Lol! This reminds me of the cooking games my sister and I used to play when we were younger. We often argue because my sister would do everything slow and proper and I couldn’t stand waiting half an hour for the food to cook. My meals were cooked and eaten in about 4 minutes and and my sister may take a whole hour just for cooking, eating and cleaning up!

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